Sr. M. Ilaria Oyama
Whoever encounters Sr.M.Ilaria is immediately attracted by her serene child-like simplicity and innate goodness!
She was born in Nagasaki, Japan, on the 7th December, 1931 and given the name Haruko which means Spring. Three days later she was baptized and given the Christian name, Lucia.
Sr. Ilaria comes from a strong Catholic family who upheld the staunch faith and tradition which was kept alive by the Japanese lay people for over three centuries when they had no priest to guide or minister to them. The Catholic faith had arrived in Japan around 1540 with St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries and had briefly flourished with 100,000 converts. However, it soon met resistance from the highest office holders of Japan. Emperor Ogimachi issued edicts to ban Catholicism in 1565 but to little effect. After the expulsion of the missionaries, despite atrocious persecutions, the lay faithful continued to gather underground hidden places for prayer meetings and catechesis until the mid-19th century. They passed on their unwavering faith to the future generations. Nagasaki Region is particularly known for the stories of resilient faith and the Hidden Christian Sites recognised today on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Harko’s large family of eleven siblings were raised up in poverty by loving hard-working parents. From a very early age, Haruko learnt how to make many little sacrifices so as to help her parents take care of her brothers and sisters. She would get up very early in the morning to prepare the fire where she would then cook breakfast and she also carried out other household chores before going to school.
The closest local Catholic Church was quite a distance from her home and it was quite a long walk to go to Mass. However, without fail, whether in hot or intense cold weather, when it snowed or rained, the whole family would set out by foot to participate in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration.
When Haruko grew into a young women, her parents were keen to find a suitable husband for her. They had invited a young man to their home to introduce him to Haruko and to commence negotiations for their future marriage. However, Haruko was not at all interested in this proposition and ran up to hide in the attic. She prayed that her father would not go ahead with the arrangements and especially that he would not open the bottle of Saki as this would indicate that an agreement had been reached. The parents soon realized that Haruko had other plans for her own future!!
When Harko first encountered the pioneer Sister Disciples in Japan, she was attracted by their way of life and mission, especially by the Eucharistic Adoration. Shortly afterwards she entered the congregation on the 1st August, 1950.
Sr. Ilaria belongs to the first group that began Novitiate in Japan, with Mother M. Pia Chiavassa as Novice Mistress, on May 5, 1953, in the presence of the Founder, Blessed James Alberione, and Mother Lucia Ricci, Superior General, who were visiting the growing young Pauline Family. One year later, she, together with her five companions, made her first Religious profession.
Sr. Ilaria was sent to Australia in 1960. She is one of the first missionary Sister Disciples in the “land of the Holy Spirit”. When she arrived in Australia she knew no English and had little knowledge of the people’s customs or culture. The two other pioneer sisters, Mother Annunciata Stanizzi and Sr. Laurentina Bertero only spoke Italian and so they devised a form of sign language in order to communicate with this little Japanese sister. Eventually she first learnt Italian and later English.
Sr. Ilaria has spent most of her religious life in Australia, serving and irradiating her love for the Lord and the People of God through prayer, apostolate and her captivating smile which she shares with all those whom she encounters. Sr Ilaria is a woman of few words however she communicates goodness, empathy and loving affection to everyone. When she does speak her words are full of wisdom, understanding and compassion and, at times, witty and humorous.
Sr.Ilaria’s warm, loving and peaceful presence is greatly appreciated and valued by all the sisters in the Delegation. She is always ready to encourage and support the young candidates and all the sisters in their journey of discipleship. Everyone is inspired and edified by Sr. Ilaria’s constant loving dedication in living out the life and mission of the Sister Disciple. Even now, although quite frail, she reaches out and affectionately greets the people who join the community for morning Mass and prayer.
Sr. Ilaria is a woman of deep prayer and is always faithful to the daily community Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. She also has a great love and devotion to Mary and loves to pray the rosary.
This year (2024) Sr. Ilaria is celebrating her 70th Anniversary of Religious Profession. All the sisters in the Delegation gathered in Strathfield to celebrate this great event on the 5th May. Together with Sr. Ilaria we give thanks to God for all the blessings that the Divine Master has bestowed on her and for all the wonderful things He has done through her and with her in the building up the kingdom of God. Indeed Sr.M. Ilaria is a precious gift to our Australian Delegation!