6 gennaio 2024

A Brazilian Pioneer

Sr. M. Modesta Santina Grotto    Sr. M. Modesta Santina Grotto was a sister who belonged to the pioneers in Brazil and always stood out for
6 gennaio 2024

The Great Step

Corina Pistamiglio – Sr. M. Saveria    “The Great Step” is the title of a work about Sister Saveria Pistamiglio written at the Charismatic Course by
6 gennaio 2024

A Pillar in the Mexican Province

Maria de Jesus Vázquez – Sr. M. Agnes   In 1954, following the Founder’s words, a property was purchased to build the future community of the
6 gennaio 2024

I Looked at My Star

Sr. M. Stella Waka Juliana Doi Doi Waka   To trace the unique journey of this first Japanese sister, let’s explore her life story, conversion, and
6 gennaio 2024

A thousand moments of YES

Sr. M. Savina Boni    “Our foundation in Spain began in Bilbao, where we went to help our sisters Sr. M. Girolama and sr. M. Teodolinda
5 gennaio 2024

Mil vezes se

Boni Nella – Ir. M.Savina   “Nossa fundação na Espanha nasceu em Bilbao, onde fomos ajudar nossas Irmãs Ir. M. Girolama e Ir. M. Teodolinda empenhadas
5 gennaio 2024

Luce per tutti i popoli

31 dicembre 2023

Figli ed eredi

30 dicembre 2023

Un mistero d’amore