“Beato Timoteo Giaccardo”

B T Giaccardo Cordoba

The house of prayer, “Beato Timoteo Giaccardo”, is located in the heart of the city of Cordoba, 1 km from the bus station.

The house is located within a large park, suitable for silence and meditation, for an encounter with God, with oneself and with others.  There are single and double rooms available with bath, a dining room, conference room and chapel.  It is equipped with an elevator, air conditioning and heating, parking and two parks: an ideal location for spiritual exercises, retreats, seminars and meetings.

The house also offers its own programs for annual retreats, courses on liturgy and floral arts for liturgy, conferences for groups in various ministries, and “project of life” youth retreats.  Guests have the opportunity to join in the perpetual Eucharistic adoration sustained by the community.



Pias Discipulas del Divino Maestro

Oncativo 365. Córdoba. 5000

Whatsapp & Telegram: +54 9 351 813 1577

E-mail: casadeoracion.btg@gmail.com

Facebook: Beato Timoteo Giaccardo

Instagram: @casadeoracion365


