The House of Jesus Master is situated in a green hilly area 80 km from the capital city of Seoul. Managed and animated by the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master, it is open throughout the year and welcomes priests, religious men and women, and lay persons for courses of spiritual exercises and days of retreat.
For priests in need of physical and spiritual rest, there are 3 small independent apartments available, with a small common chapel.
The house of prayer has 44 single rooms available, each with private bath and balcony, and a small church (with a capacity for 80 persons), a chapel and a prayer room. There are also 4 meeting rooms, a large garden with a pathway along the mysteries of the Rosary and the Way of the Cross, eventually leading to the statue of Jesus Master located on a hill at the height of 300 meters.
The complex also contains a large parking area that can accommodate cars and buses.
By private means: take the freeway exit to Yeoju (22km)
By public transportation: 20 minutes from the bus station of Yeoju.
House of Jesus Master in Yôju
816, Wonyang 1-ro,
Gangcheon-myeon, Yeoju-si, Gyeonggi-do,
12617 Corea del Sud
Tel. (031) 886.1101