PDDM India: On 4th April 2019, the birthday of our beloved Founder, Blessed James Alberione, the Province of India opened a new Tabernacle at Mangalore. The land was donated by late Sr Alphonsa D’Douza’s family. It is a beautiful panoramic place.
The Celebration was presided over by the Bishop of Mangalore Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha and concelebrated by 10 Priests of the Diocese. In his homily, the Bishop spoke about the Eucharistic Lord and the Ministries that the Community will carry out from this house. He called it as a ‘POWER HOUSE’.
Around 250 people, that included: Pddm Sisters from different Communities, especially those belong to the Diocese of Mangalore, Religious Priests and Sisters of different Congregations, Family members of the Sisters, Friends, Neibhours and Well Wishers were present.
Sr Rose Mary Muttasseril, the Provincial Superior Inaugurated the newly built Chapel.
After the solemn Eucharistic Celebration there was a Felicitation ceremony.
As in all the Communities of the Pddm – India, this Chapel too will remain open to the Public and the Eucharistic Adoration will be carried out faithfully. Beside this, in a Wing of the same house, the Ministry of Holistic Health care will be initiated and carried out.
The house is named as “PRARTHANALAYA” – HOUSE OF PRAYER.
The Sanctuary was designed and executed by Sr Vimala Thottumannil Pddm.