PDDM India: 48 hours of adoration from 16 to 18 March 2019 was organized by the Pddm Community of Calicut – India, in their Chapel. While, JESUS, our Eucharistic Lord was shining so brightly, the lamps were burning day and night before Him, the Sisters, the Postulants and the Laity who came from near and far, united their voices, with all the Angels and Saints and praised His name continually, worshipped Him and lifted up their hearts in ceaseless prayer. The parish priest too visited the Chapel, spoke about the mercy of God to all those who were gathered there and gave instruction on ‘how to make our life a way of the cross during the Season of Lent’
Richa Annie John shares with us her experience: “Words cannot describe the joy I experienced in praising God with his faithful. I could feel Jesus and Mary being so happy and running around the chapel comforting all. I had a sudden realization of how immensely blessed I am and felt extremely sorry having taken Jesus for granted.
“…But our citizenship is in Heaven.” – Philippians 3:20 . This is the verse that caught my attention during the 48 hours of adoration. St. Paul highlights on the need to live righteously, to practice heavenly virtues, to be honest and selfless. I have made a solemn promise to try hard and live as a ‘Citizen of heaven’ for the rest of my life and I believe that the Spirit of God along with Mother Mary and my guardian angel will enable me to do so.
I’m Richa, staying at Prarthanalayam, Calicut, with the kind PDDM sisters and the lovely postulants as I prepare for my CA Final exams in May 2019. I have ranked Prarthanalayam as the nicest place in the world with its humble yet beautiful aura, sanctity and wide-open doors inviting all to worship the living God. Thank you, Lord, for permitting me to live in this beautiful temple of yours. I will treasure my experience here all my life.”