Prayer requests

through the intercession of Venerable Mother Maria Scolastica Rivata

Mary Anne DeNucci Cullen

26 February 2019

Dear Sisters, I just saw the story of Mother Scholastica on EWTN. It was called “The Song of Joy”. At the end of the program, it asked us who were watching,
if there is a request to send it, asking Mother Scholastica to intercede to the Lord for a miracle. This is to hasten her sainthood. Just before this, I had been praying for my
friend named Joy. She is at death’s door. Cancer has overtaken her body. I have been asking the Lord to heal her so that He can be glorified. Please Mother Scholastica,
intercede on behalf of Joy. May her healing glorify the Lord many times over, and be a blessing to her children, all grown, who have fallen away from their faith.
In Jesus Name, we pray.
Sincerely, Mary Anne Cullen

Jo Anne

2 february 2019

I would like to entrust the intercessory prayers of the Community of the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master for my children: Jo, Colleen, Matthew, and David Jordon and my extended family that they may return to, or enter into Holy Mother Church.  I also request intercessory prayers for my healing in all the ways I need to be healed and for an increased devotion to Our Lord, Jesus, our beloved Blessed Mother, Mary Immaculate and all the Holy Saints and Angels.  Thank You.

Fr. Don A. LaCuesta

13 March 2018

All praise, honor and adoration to you, Jesus, my Eucharistic Divine Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life! Thank you for your grace and loving mercy. You have given me your Servant and Disciple, Mother Scholastica Rivata as my faithful mother and guide. All praise and thanksgiving to you! Through her maternal presence in my priestly life, protect me, strengthen me, lead me on the path of holiness you have willed for me in love.
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, the Eternal Priest, keep me in your Immaculate Heart and pray for me!
Mother Scholastica, remain close to me!